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Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual Counseling Session


A spiritual counselor is a guide that helps you change your life by changing the way you operate on a deeper level. Rather than just examining your behaviors, habits, and goals, they delve into your deep rooted beliefs and your connection to the Divine. They show you how to work with the laws of ​the Universe to create the things that you actually want to see in your life instead of just accepting whatever comes your way.

Spiritual counselors are people who have done a lot of work on themselves, examining all of their own deep rooted beliefs and patterns in their lives.  This is a very important part of being a spiritual counselor, as we cannot effectively serve others until we have learned to help ourselves in these ways.  Spiritual counselors live by spiritual principles and not the just every day logic and societal conventions. They know how to make miracles happen, and they help others live happy, fulfilling lives based on the practices that have worked for them. Many people might confuse spiritual counselors with religious leaders, but these are two very different things. You don’t have to be religious to work with a spiritual counselor – you just have to be open to deepening your connection with the nonphysical part of yourself, your soul.


Understanding yourself and your world around you from a spiritual perspective can help you lead a more meaningful life. You may discover that you have a profound purpose and that all of the events in your life have been orchestrated to bring you to your true path. Sometimes, our greatest trials and challenges are actually just serving as a training ground for the incredible work of our life purpose that lies ahead.  Working with a spiritual counselor can reveal your life purpose to you and help you to clear out any energetic blocks to living the life that you were always meant to live. A spiritual counselor can help you identify and align yourself with who you really are, and to heal your old wounds so that you can move into a better, brighter future.


Growing Spiritually

A spiritual counselor can help you shift gears from being a victim to taking responsibility for your life. They can help you draw your focus away from any negativity or judgments surrounding you so that you can take charge and focus on the gifts that are in front of you. They understand that what we give our attention to grows, and they help their clients shift their thinking from despair to appreciation.


You may have lost somebody you love, you might be struggling through a divorce, or you may be experiencing a mid-life crisis.  You may be struggling with an addiction, trying to heal from a history of trauma or abuse, or trying to break out of cycles of chronic misfortune in your life.  You may not feel comfortable talking to friends and family members about your problems due to a fear of judgment and ridicule, or perhaps what you are experiencing is too private and personal to share with the people in your life. However, such barriers don’t exist between spiritual counselors and their clients. They are there to assist you in a private, secure environment where you can open up about how you feel deep down inside and make room for healing and growth.


Oftentimes, we seek the aid of professionals who do not validate our sense of spirituality, and a big part of us becomes lost.  When we are disconnected from the Divine we are disconnected from our sense of true power in the world.  With a spiritual counselor, however, you will find it easier to talk about life in a more meaningful way, and you will feel safe and secure when opening up to them. There are never any judgments, concerns, or mocking comments, only a deepening of your faith and sense of spirituality. They are there to listen to you and help you grow in any way they can.  And they are there to help reawaken, reconnect and realign you with incredible Divine Love and Light that already lives within you.


Spiritual growth challenges us and opens us up to compassion, love, and things that make our lives fuller and richer. It gives life a deeper meaning and strengthens the connection between you and your inner wisdom. Being connected to your inner guidance will, in turn, lead you to live a life full of gratitude and giving.


Nobody mocks a child for falling down when learning how to walk, and your spiritual counselor will not mock you for your mistakes or imperfections. What we see as mistakes are just one of the ways that we learn, and spiritual counselors keep that in mind as they explore your history and help you to navigate and plan out your next steps in life. There are no mistakes in life. They are experiences that allow us to get closer to becoming and expressing who we truly are. 



Help for When You’re Feeling Stuck

When we are too deeply engaged in the drama and chaos of life, we tend to see our world from a distorted perspective. We may make judgments and victimize ourselves by justifying our negative views of our lives. When things get really bad, we may even blame God or the Universe for our misfortunes. A spiritual counselor can help you discover your spiritual and energetic blocks to happiness and help you figure out why you are not where you want to be in your life.


When we complain about our situation without searching for a solution, it can feel like digging ourselves into a deep despair. It is the spiritual counselor's to help you dig out and help you find your whole, healed self. They are there to show you that life doesn’t have to be painful and that you can start creating the life of your dreams now.



Connecting to the Spirit Within

Life can feel a little bit empty when we don’t have an understanding of why we are here and what we are doing on this planet. Understanding who we are and where we come from is central to feeling whole and complete. It also helps to make us feel secure, certain, and stable. When we identify with the spirit that fuels the very life we live, we can begin living on a radically new level of prosperity and wholeness. Living with the awareness of our inner spirit can be a simple change that can, in turn, dramatically enhance and enrich our lives.


Various practices can be used to connect you with your higher self or spirit. People worldwide from various backgrounds and cultures may use forms of meditation, for example, to get in touch with the divine aspects that exist within themselves. When we silence our minds, we can discover our inner selves and gain some clarity on where we come from and what we are meant to do with the time that we have on earth. We can discover who we are on a very deep and profound level.


The benefits of meditation go beyond the capacity to connect with the Divine. Meditation is known to reduce stress, improve brain function, sharpen intuition, improve your health and well-being at all levels, and allows you to reset your mind and get a fresh start.  Most spiritual counselors are familiar with at least one form of meditation, and they are always ready to help their clients learn the ancient art to help them discover themselves and revive their minds and bodies. More intricate skills can also be learned with the practice of meditation that can be further discussed with a spiritual counselor.


There is never a disconnection between us as people and our spirits, but we can sometimes feel estranged from who we are deep down.  This disconnection that we can sometimes feel, as well as a disconnection from the Divine, is really only an illusion.  Reconnecting with this part of ourselves and identifying with the spirit that dwells within can help us find our balance and our strength. Additionally, it gives us the inspiration to create and work at higher standards. There is much more to life than going to work and paying the bills. At the heart of each of us lies something deeper and something more profound than any of us can imagine. There is a life force that propels everything forward, and it is the reason that everything exists. To get just a glimpse of the power and energy that lives in each and every one of us is one of the greatest experiences that anyone can ever have, and it is one of the fastest ways to find the path to achieving our goals and our dreams.


A spiritual counselor can help you get in touch with the inner you. They help you connect with a deeper meaning of the world and of life in general. Spiritual counselors help you find a deeper purpose and what it is that you love to do most. They work on helping you find balance so that you and those around you can benefit and thrive just by doing the things that you love every day.


At the core of our being, there is a light energy that many can only describe as the power of Love. Some believe that we are all connected through an invisible web.  Others live by powerful laws of the Universe such as the law of attraction that states that we attract things to us based on how we think and feel, and based on what we believe. These ideas, among other similar ideas, can be explored safely and effectively with a spiritual counselor at your side. With the help of your spiritual counselor, you can find tools and practices that empower you and make you more creative and intuitive than ever before.  The entire Universe lives within each and every one of us, we need only learn to awaken, access and align ourselves with the forces that we are trying to make manifest in our lives.  The Magic is already within us. 





**Information Modified from: Life Coach Spotter

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