Oncology Reiki
oncology reiki session
Oncology Reiki utilizes unique, special applications of Reiki to facilitate healing for individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer. This unique application of Reiki includes powerful gene activation and de-activation techniques to assist the client in optimizing their healing process. Reiki has become a widely accepted treatment and complimentary therapy for cancer treatment even among more mainstream hospitals. It is incredible for managing side effects from chemotherapy drugs and radiation, for pain management, balancing the immune system, and for helping to manage the fear, anxiety, anger, sadness and stress that many people often experience when they have been diagnosed with cancer.
Reiki is often administered in cancer treatment hospitals during chemotherapy infusion sessions to minimize symptoms and reduce patient stress. It is also utilized after radiation treatments to reduce or eliminate discomfort, before surgical procedures to reduce patient anxiety and fear, after surgical procedures to reduce pain and nausea, and also at many other times during the treatment process.
Nicole has served as a Reiki Therapist at the Cancer Treatments Centers of America for several years, and has a great deal of experience working with cancer patients as well as their caregivers, families and loved ones.